Want to Retire Early and Travel the World?
Keith and Tina Paul Can Help
Hi! We are Keith and Tina Paul, lovers of travel and wine. Fueled by our passion for learning, experiencing other cultures, and meeting people, we want to see the world. We consider ourselves forever students. We have been together since we were 18. We took our first trip abroad at 19. We believe in collecting memories and experiences, not things.
Our big “ah-ha” moment came while vacationing in Antigua Guatemala, where we met some American’s living there. They called themselves “expats.” Antigua is where we learned what an expat was and that you can live abroad in places that cost up to 80% less than the United States. We immediately did the math, and ten months later, we were retired.
So in 2016, we gave up successful careers and retired early. We retired from California to Cuenca Ecuador, for both an adventure and a lower cost of living so we could begin traveling the world. We started Retire Early and Travel as a way to keep family and friends aware of our travels and to help other people who like us, may want to retire early.
What makes us a little different than the rest? We do what we preach.
We live by the motto, “we do what’s fun.” Meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, tasting new wines, those things are fun. We know that there are a lot of people who want to do what we are doing and we are here to say it’s possible. All you need is the desire. We love helping people retire early, move abroad, or travel to wonderful places. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at Keith-Tina@RetireEarlyandTravel.com. We want to help.
If you are interested in the longer and more personal version of our story, you can read it here.
Keith and Tina Paul would love to work with you
We help destinations increase visitors and visibility by promoting them on our blog and to our social media followers.
We partner with businesses in the travel industry including tourism boards, destinations, tour operators, hotels, transportation providers, and airlines.
When you partner with Keith and Tina Paul of Retire Early and Travel you get the most efficient, effective and affordable advertising across multiple media platforms that travelers are looking at right now.
Our website receives 260,000 visitors, and over 1 million page views a month. We have more than 120,000 social media followers. Our actively engaged readers value our stories in that all of them are first-hand experiences. According to Social Blue Book, a third-party intelligence tool that measures an influencer’s engagement and demographics, a single campaign of ours has an average marketing value of $4500.
We must experience your destination or company first hand. In exchange for the experience you provide, we will promote it. A post written by us is a minimum of 2000 words, 20-30 photos, and an HD production quality video. The post will mention your company and have a link to your website, and we will tag you on social media. Also, we post to social media live while we are on location. Once we publish a post, we do a one-month social media campaign for that post consisting of at least 15 Tweets, 3 Facebook posts, 4-6 Instagram posts, 3 LinkedIn articles, 1 Medium article, 1 Tumblr article, 1 VK & 4 Pinterest pins. For instance, if we go on a 14-day safari, cruise, or a multi-day media trip, there will be several posts written about that experience, and each post will have a mention and backlinks.
Reach out to us directly on our contact page or email us at Keith-Tina@RetireEarlyandTravel.com.

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